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9 years ago

RUSSIAN Users log in to accounts and interact with their friends by chatting/posting forum messages, checking out photos and profiles of other friends.

iLibRu v. 0.1.7 BigBoss
9 years ago

reader for popular Russian book library

9 years ago

This is a memory game designed to improve one's visual and sound memory based on the layout and the tones of the dial pad. It also includes HighScores upload and competitions

FontSwap v. 2.1.1-1 BigBoss
9 years ago

Swap your system fonts!

FontSwap Starter
9 years ago

Font Starter Pack for Font Swap app.

switches backlight level to 80% or 30%

iPod Flipswitch
9 years ago

Play or Pause your iPod music player

Ringer+ Flipswitch
9 years ago

Toggle device's ringer & display status bar icon.

Ring Vibrate Flipswitch
9 years ago

Toggle vibration for Ring mode only.

Toggle Silent mode vibration.