Cydia Tweaks by Gojohnnyboi by Recent Updates ↓

9 years ago

QuickLoad - an app loader for 2.1 (like uicache) you'll have to execute one time(no args) and you'll se what all it can do.

9 years ago

A fast WifiToggle for the springboard.

9 years ago

Reboot, Respring your phone with ease.

9 years ago

A 2.0 Text Editor

9 years ago

A Simpe applications launcher for 2.0.

9 years ago

Hexabeep is a memory game, based off of the classic game Simon. How good is your memory? Hexabeep will give you a sequence of lights and beeps, and you must replay it back exactly how it was presented, but don't mess up! As you progress, the sequence grows, and gets harder and harder to remember.